

/* $Id: dump.c,v 1.1 2009/02/21 21:25:19 khorben Exp $ */
/* Copyright (c) 2007 khorben of Uberwall */
#include <stdint.h>
#include "plugin.h"
/* dump */
/* public */
/* constants */
#define TP_BSIZE 1024
#define NTREC 10
#define TP_NINDIR (TP_BSIZE/2)
#define LBLSIZE 16
#define NAMELEN 64
#define OFS_MAGIC (int)60011
#define NFS_MAGIC (int)60012
#ifndef FS_UFS2_MAGIC
#define FS_UFS2_MAGIC (int)0x19540119
#define CHECKSUM (int)84446
#define TS_TAPE 1 /* dump tape header */
#define TS_INODE 2 /* beginning of file record */
#define TS_ADDR 4 /* continuation of file record */
#define TS_BITS 3 /* map of inodes on tape */
#define TS_CLRI 6 /* map of inodes deleted since last dump */
#define TS_END 5 /* end of volume marker */
/* types */
union u_spcl {
char dummy[TP_BSIZE];
struct s_spcl {
int32_t c_type;
int32_t c_old_date;
int32_t c_old_ddate;
int32_t c_volume;
int32_t c_old_tapea;
int32_t c_inumber;
int32_t c_magic;
int32_t c_checksum;
union {
struct {
uint16_t __uc_mode;
int16_t __uc_spare1[3];
uint64_t __uc_size;
int32_t __uc_old_atime;
int32_t __uc_atimensec;
int32_t __uc_old_mtime;
int32_t __uc_mtimensec;
int32_t __uc_spare2[2];
int32_t __uc_rdev;
int32_t __uc_birthtimensec;
int64_t __uc_birthtime;
int64_t __uc_atime;
int64_t __uc_mtime;
int32_t __uc_spare4[7];
uint32_t __uc_file_flags;
int32_t __uc_spare5[2];
uint32_t __uc_uid;
uint32_t __uc_gid;
int32_t __uc_spare6[2];
} __uc_ino;
} __c_ino;
int32_t c_count;
char c_addr[TP_NINDIR];
char c_label[LBLSIZE];
int32_t c_level;
char c_filesys[NAMELEN];
char c_dev[NAMELEN];
char c_host[NAMELEN];
int32_t c_flags;
int32_t c_old_firstrec;
int64_t c_date;
int64_t c_ddate;
int64_t c_tapea;
int64_t c_firstrec;
int32_t c_spare[24];
} s_spcl;
} u_spcl;
/* variables */
/* magic */
static unsigned char sigb[] = "\x00\x00\x00\x01";
static unsigned char sigl[] = "\x01\x00\x00\x00";
static PluginMagic dump_magic[] =
{ sizeof(union u_spcl), 0, sigb, sizeof(sigb)-1 },
{ sizeof(union u_spcl), 0, sigl, sizeof(sigl)-1 },
{ 0, 0, NULL, 0 }
/* functions */
static int dump_callback(PluginHelper * ph, int signature, FILE * fp);
/* plugin */
Plugin plugin =
/* private */
/* functions */
/* dump_callback */
static int _callback_big(PluginHelper * ph, union u_spcl * s);
static int _callback_little(PluginHelper * ph, union u_spcl * s);
static int dump_callback(PluginHelper * ph, int signature, FILE * fp)
union u_spcl s;
if((fread(&s, sizeof(s), 1, fp)) != 1)
return -1;
if(signature == 0)
return _callback_big(ph, &s);
return _callback_little(ph, &s);
static int _callback_big(PluginHelper * ph, union u_spcl * s)
if(htob32(s->s_spcl.c_type) != TS_TAPE
|| htob32(s->s_spcl.c_magic) != NFS_MAGIC)
return -1;
ph->printf(ph, "DUMP: big endian, volume #%d, host %s, level %d"
", device %s, filesystem %s\n",
htob32(s->s_spcl.c_volume), s->s_spcl.c_host,
htob32(s->s_spcl.c_level), s->s_spcl.c_dev,
return 100;
static int _callback_little(PluginHelper * ph, union u_spcl * s)
if(htol32(s->s_spcl.c_type) != TS_TAPE
|| htol32(s->s_spcl.c_magic) != NFS_MAGIC)
return -1;
ph->printf(ph, "DUMP: little endian, volume #%d, host %s, level %d"
", device %s, filesystem %s\n",
htol32(s->s_spcl.c_volume), s->s_spcl.c_host,
htol32(s->s_spcl.c_level), s->s_spcl.c_dev,
return 100;