

--=[ UWfirmforce ]=--
Somewhat efficient automated firmware reverse-engineering tool
Coded by khorben <khorben@uberwall.org>
Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008 Uberwall
UberWall security team \../. .\../
--=[ Disclaimer ]=--
We, authors gathered in the group "UberWall", can not be held
responsible for any use of the content available on its site,
Indeed, this group only aims to share knowledge and research
about computer security, and some elements presented may be
misused by malicious people.
We warn again that anyone is responsible for his own behaviour,
and that unauthorized access to computer systems is illegal,
as well as any other activity assimilated to "cracking".
We have absolutely no intention to break the law concerning any
resource or work detailed here.
--=[ Description ]=--
UWfirmforce tries to be useful for firmware images reversing. It can currently
match series of signatures and trigger further analysis of data blobs, possibly
with a relevance estimation. General purpose forensic functionalities are
planned as well, as is automatic decompression and extraction of content, would
it be a compression, archive or filesystem format.
It features a plug-in system, for which the API will totally be changed and/or
extended to support these features.
Stay tuned for more, please contribute with new formats if you can, we hope this
tool will be useful and let you have some fun!